torsdag 6 oktober 2011

The whole story

Tänk vad man få uppleva inom orienteringen. 1972 var vi elva orienterare anställda i Försvarsmakten som fick förmånen att besöka USA. Vi var inbjudna av den Amerikanska Marinkåren till Quantico strax utanför Washington. Några av oss introducerade deras militära orienterare i på den tiden modern orienteringsträning och några av oss ritade en orienteringskarta. Kartan har jag scannat in sist i detta blogginlägg, klicka på den så blir den större. Deltagarna i The Swedish Military Team of Sweden framgår av karttexten. För Er äldre orienterare så känner Ni säkert igen en del av deltagarna, Lennart "Lillis" Lidman är ju fortfarande igång vad gäller kartritning som kartansvarig för Norrbottens Femdagars 2013.

Jag har också lagt in Bertil Lööfs mailtexter, det ger en liten förklaring hur Bertil blev en legend i USA nästan 40 år efter besöket.

Klicka på denna länk:The whole story så kommer Du till en pdf-fil som förutom ger Dig en engelsk läsövning ger den Dig också The whole story om legenden Bertil Lööf.

Bild nr 1  på "Bertil Lööf" och bild nr 2.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 3:53 AM
Subject: Hälsningar från USA!

Dear Mr. Lööf,

Talar du engelska?  I hope so, as I do not speak Swedish!  I am writing you from Washington, DC.  If I have the correct Bertil Lööf, then you were a member of the 1972 Swedish Military Team of Orienteering that set up the orienteering course in Prince William's Forest Park in Virginia.  I frequently use that course, and if you are not too busy I would truly appreciate the opportunity to ask you some questions about your experience setting the course up.

Thank you for your time!  I look forward to hearing from you.


Dominick Pugliese

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: Hälsningar från USA!

Well Mr. Lööf, it is a pleasure to meet you!

I have been meaning to contact you for a while, so it is wonderful to hear back. Since 2007, I have worked as an instructor at a summer camp in Maryland, as part of its Leaders in Training (LIT) program.  Every week in the summer we take a group of about 12 teenagers to Prince William's Forest Park to teach them outdoor survival skills and leadership principles.  On the second day of the course, we teach them orienteering and lead them through several posts.  On the third day, we send them out in groups of 3-4 to orienteer a different course by themselves.  The orienteering is an integral part of our curriculum, and is typically a highlight for the kids.

Over the past few years the kids have built up quite a mythology around the 1972 Swedish Military Team of Orienteering (you may recall that all your names are listed on the map).  I imagine this is somewhat strange to hear, but you your fellow team members have become something like superheroes to the kids at our camp.  They have written songs, stories, and even poems about you and the team, and you have become a big source of inspiration and identity for them.

I asked several of my friends how they would react if someone from another country told them that they had become a legend to a group of people they had never met, and none of them had an answer.  I can only say that it is as strange for me to be talking to the real Bertil Lööf as it must be for you to learn this.

In short, I am very excited to actually meet you.  I would love to learn as much about what actually happened in 1972 and your actual life, and, if you are interested, I would love to share with you some more details of the Bertil Lööf legend that exists at our camp.

Again, I imagine this must be quite strange to hear, but - provided you would like to hear it - I am eager to tell you the whole story.

-Nick Pugliese

måndag 3 oktober 2011

ROK-löpare kommer att ha en klar fördel på 25-manna

Det visar sig efter lite forskning i källorna, gamla ROK-blad och i mina gamla kartpärmar, att i varje fall tre löpare som ingår i årets 25-mannalag redan tidigare har varit i tävlingsområdet. Kolla nedan i Sture Karlssons ROK-bladsreferat från 1992, klicka på det så blir det större. Jag har också lagt in kartan från 1992 så att alla andra också kan få en liten fördel.